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  • Countdown to Halloween, The Shiloh Forestry Compound

    Wednesday, October 26, 2022   /   by Amy Brown

    Countdown to Halloween, The Shiloh Forestry Compound

    This is probably one of the most gruesome stories yet. 

    The Shiloh Forestry Compound was constructed in 1898 and was the home of the Biltmore Forestry School, the first school of its kind in this country. The school offered a 1 year course on forestry management and field study as well as various topics in forestry theory. 


    The school closed in 1913 after a disagreement between its founder and George Vanderbilt and was left abandoned. Because of its seclusion from the city proper, it became a meeting place for prostitution as well as a location to conduct hangings. Because of its grisly practices it was nicknamed "The Whorehouse". 

    The most commonly seen spirit to reside there is a local prostitute who was murdered by one of her johns. She is seen roaming about the rooms if you dare to go inside. Upon driving by, lights are seen turning on and off. The rooms are said to stay at a consistent 40 degrees despite the temperature outside. Also, the silhouettes of people running by the windows in terror is commonly seen. 

    The exact address of the Shiloh Forestry Compound is undisclosed though I know that it is somewhere in Biltmore Forest. It remains abandoned to this day and people are discouraged from trespassing due to its gruesome past and state of the structure. 

    See the full story below.

    For a tribute to the area's history in forestry service, visit the Forestry Camp Taproom and Kitchen. The local brew is Burial Beer Co. They also have several unique dishes on the menu such as rabbit stew. 

