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  • Art, Exercise, and Nature...love where you live!

    Thursday, April 27, 2023   /   by Amy Brown

    Art, Exercise, and Nature...love where you live!

    There is so much going on here that it can be easy to miss a much desired event. Take a look at what is coming up!


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    Weaverville Art Safari Spring Studio Tour

    Art Safari_Binoculars dude

    Sat – Sun | April 29th – 30th , 10am-5pm each day

    The Weaverville Art Safari is one of the original studio tours in the Asheville Area. It is a self guided free event that offers a unique look at the artist’s work in their working environment, featuring artists who specialize in handmade pottery, glass, photography, sculpture, jewelry, furniture, painting, drawing, fiber art, wood art and more.





    Don’t miss out on the Asheville JCC’s Falafel 5K on Sunday, April 30 at 10 am! Run, walk, or stroll in the Falafel 5K to get out into the beautiful spring weather, enjoy a delicious falafel, and compete to win valuable prizes.NEW THIS YEAR! Turn your race day into a multi-sport excursion with a Splash + Dash! A limited number of athletes can register to swim 600 yards in a professionally timed “Splash” before heading over to the start line for the Falafel 5K “Dash.” We will track your times for both events, but your transition time will not be counted. We are also holding a youth “Splash + Dash” where a limited number of kids ages 8-12 will swim 300 yards and then run 1K.



    The Great Smoky Mountains Firefly Viewing Lottery

    233374_46d2f171-5192-473b-b3a5-9315f87726af_1440.jpegSynchronous fireflies ( Photinus carolinus ) are one of at least 19 species of fireflies that live in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and one of only a few species in the world known to synchronize their flash patterns. This insects' reproductive display occurs for a couple of weeks every year throughout its range (southern Appalachians), and is typically in late May or early June in the Elkmont area of the park.  Synchronous fireflies occur throughout the southern Appalachian region, and large populations of synchronous fireflies occurs in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The park will organize the viewing area by managing vehicle access. Visitors who wish to view the fireflies must acquire a parking pass via lottery to park in these areas. The number of parking spaces is limited. 

    The lottery will open on Friday, April 28, 2023 at 10am (EDT)


    We live here because it's awesome! Love where you live